BijouxQue vous soyez fans de bijoux juifs ou que vous souhaitiez faire plaisir à un proche, découvrez notre large gamme de créations originales. Des articles uniques, fabriqués à la main et inspiré de la tradition. Bien plus que de simples éléments décoratifs: des objets pleins de sens, de spiritualité et de profondeur. Chaque bracelet, collier, pendentif, boucle d’oreille ou broche présenté sur ce site est chargé de symbole et de signification. Ces bijoux traditionnels ou modernes sont réalisés en Israël par des artistes de talent et délivrent un message religieux et spirituel Chaque bijou raconte l’histoire du peuple juif: ses traditions et ses croyances. Vous pourrez ainsi faire votre choix parmi les nombreux articles proposés: fils rouges de Jérusalem, bijoux de la kabale pour éloigner le mauvais œil et apporter la chance. Une protection biblique aussi esthétique que spirituelle. Etoiles de David (Maguen David), Hamsa, la lettre Haï, ou votre prénom en lettres hébraïques. Choisissez votre collier ou bracelet préféré à l’occasion d’un anniversaire, d’une bat mitzva, d’une bar mitzva, d’un mariage, d’une naissance ou d’une brit mila. Des bijoux juifs réalisés u pour les hommes et les femmes de tous âges et de tous styles.
MezouzaQue ce soit pour inaugurer votre nouvel appartement, pour un ami ou pour la chambre d’un enfant, vous êtes au bon endroit. Nous vous proposons une grande variété de boitiers de mezouza. Certaines se fixent à l’aide de clous, d’autres avec du ruban adhésif. Toutes les mezuzot sont livrées avec des clous ou des adhésifs, selon le type. Vous trouverez sur ce site, des mezouza en verre, en céramique, en bois, en aluminium et en plastique, dans des styles modernes et traditionnels. Nous avons des modèles adaptés à toutes les occasions: cadeaux de mariage, chambres d’enfants, chambres de bébés. Le tout dans des styles et des thèmes variés (Israël, Jérusalem, art abstrait…). Vous pourrez adapter le modèle de mezouza en fonction de la pièce à laquelle elle est destinée: chambre, salon, terrasse, cuisine… Et choisir le format: petit ou grand. Chaque foyer juif se doit d’avoir une mezouza, et chacune d’elle Mezouza doit être conservée dans un boitier adapté. Le design de nos boitiers à Mezouza s’inspire du monde juif, de ses symboles et de l’art en général. Ils sont réalisés par de véritables artistes israéliens qui apportent une grande attention à la qualité et aux détails. Il ne vous…
KippaLa kippa désigne petit chapeau ou un couvre-chef dans la culture juive. Dans les communautés juives traditionnelles, seuls les hommes portent la kippa et ils doivent la porter à tout moment de la journée (sauf pendant le sommeil et le bain). Dans toutes les communautés juives , on trouve des coutumes différentes quant au moment où la kippa doit être portée: pour manger, pour prier, pour étudier des textes saints comme la Torah ou pour entrer dans un espace sacré comme une synagogue ou un cimetière. Comme le dit la loi juive : « Il est interdit de marcher quatre coudées sans se couvrir la tête ». Le fait de porter une kippa est considéré comme un signe de révérence envers l’Eternel. Garder la tête couverte en tout temps possède une signification mystique, et c’est pourquoi certaines personnes se couvrent la tête deux fois – un chapeau sur une kippa, ou un talit (châle de prière) sur une kippa – pendant la prière On trouve des kippot fabriquées à partir de nombreux matériaux. Dans les communautés orthodoxes traditionnelles, les hommes portent des kippot en velours noir ou en soie, souvent sous leurs chapeaux. Dans d’autres communautés orthodoxes modernes, conservatrices et réformistes, il…
ChabbatSelon la Torah, Chabbat commémore le jour où Dieu s’est reposé de la création du monde ; le mot Chabbat signifie littéralement « il s’est reposé ». Exode 34:21 déclare : « Tu travailleras six jours, mais le septième jour tu te reposeras. » Le Chabbat est considéré comme un jour de paix et de sainteté. Ce jour est célébré, en premier lieu, en observant le jour saint comme un jour de repos de tout travail. Les rabbins ont délimité 39 catégories de travail qui sont interdites pendant cette journée. Il est traditionnel de porter de beaux vêtements le jour du Chabbat, et certaines personnes portent également du blanc comme symbole de pureté et de sainteté. Les prière de Chabbat à la synagogue le vendredi soir comprennent la kabbalat Chabbat (réception du Chabbat), où des chants spéciaux sont chantés, et le Chabbat est invité métaphoriquement en tant que « mariée » ou « reine ». Cette pratique a été instituée par les kabbalistes et constitue une belle façon de commencer cette fête juive. À la maison, les bougies sont allumées et bénies, et les parents bénissent leurs enfants. Le soir du Chabbat, le chef de famille fait le kiddouch sur le vin et la bénédiction du pain (motsi).…
Bar mitzvaLa bar mitzva est un rite de passage pour les jeunes garçons dans la tradition juive. Une bar mitzva a lieu lorsqu’un garçon ou une fille a atteint l’âge de 13 ans et devient responsable de ses actes en tant qu’homme. Il peut alors participer à la prière à la synagogue, porter les téfilines et le talit. A cette occasion, on a l’habitude d’organiser une fête avec la famille et les proches. L’occasion de se retrouver ensemble pour célébrer cette journée unique. La journée commence par la mise des téfilines à la synagogue, lors de la prière de cha’harit (office du matin), puis un kiddouch est organisé à la synagogue et le soir même, où quelques jours après a lieu la soirée. Pour marquer, cet événement et féliciter le jeune garçon qui a pour la première fois lu la paracha dans le sefer Torah, il est de coutume de lui offrir un présent. Les options sont nombreuses: un talit, une pochette pour talit, une pochette pour téfilines, ou un main de lecture pour la Torah. Découvrez notre large gamme de produits judaica réalisés par des artistes israéliens, installés à Jérusalem et dans tout le pays. Cadeaux de bar mitzva originaux,…
It is a mitzvah of the Torah to place a mezuzah on the doors of one’s home. It is a mitzvah of the Torah to place a mezuzah on the doors of one’s home, so it can be found at the entrance to a synagogue, in the buildings of Jewish communities (at the Consistory for example).
The Jewish religion is very clear on this subject and the numerous manuscripts written over the centuries allow us to know exactly how to choose and place them. According to the Halakha (Jewish law): each box must contain a parchment written by a Jewish scribe (Sofer Stam) and must contain a scroll with one of the most important prayers of the Jewish liturgy: the Shema Israel. The inscription must of course be in Hebrew and must be checked by a rav every 7 years to make sure that no letter has been erased or damaged.
The design of our Mezuzah box range is inspired by the Jewish world, its symbols and art in general (star patterns, hamsa, hai, in aluminum, wood, plastic or glass). They are made by real Israeli artists who pay great attention to quality and details. You will also find examples of mezuzah scroll and mezuzah car. All you have to do is make your choice on the LevJudaïca website: models in all price ranges from 7.99 eur, strictly kosher. Practical LevJudaïca ships your mezuzah between 24 and 72 hours. International delivery in France, Switzerland, Belgium… An ideal gift idea, a souvenir of Israel full of spirituality.
According to halacha (Jewish law), it is important that every entrance and doorway of a house has a mezuzah. While mezuzah boxes can be of any style, it is important that the parchment be perfectly hidden. To do this, opt for a klaf written by a sofer (Jewish scribe) who has taken care to meet all halachic requirements (in accordance with Jewish laws).
A parchment made in Israel, to be inserted in the box of your mezuzah.
To find the splendor of the Old City of Jerusalem in your home, choose this mezuzah box inspired by the eternal capital of Israel. An original creation that combines delicate silver and gold chiseling. A box is engraved with motifs of the most symbolic places of the city: the Kotel, the walls, the Tower of David, the synagogues … A beautiful case that will fit any room in your home while giving it an incomparable style.
Water resistant case, can also be fixed on the outside door.
Materials: polyresin
Height: 12 cm
Made in Israel
*The mezuzah box does not contain a parchment. It must be purchased separately.
21.90€Le prix initial était : 21.90€.18.90€Le prix actuel est : 18.90€.
Choose this model of mezuzah box with modern style and 3D effect. The ideal Judaica accessory to bring a touch of originality to your interior doors. A model as well adapted to the entrance door, as to the room, kitchens and living rooms. It’s up to you to make your choice!
A Judaïca accessory that will suit to offer and to be offered.
Height: 12 cm
Material: aluminum
Made in Israel
*The scroll is not included in the box and must be purchased separately.
34.90€Le prix initial était : 34.90€.32.90€Le prix actuel est : 32.90€.
Keep a precious souvenir of Jerusalem with this Mezuzah box with the image of the eternal capital of Israel. A colorful creation that honors the whole city of Jerusalem: the Kotel (Wailing Wall), the walls and the City of David, the synagogues, the Old City of Jerusalem and its Jewish quarter, the Montefiori mill. A model full of joy and which will agree with all your parts, also with the rooms of the children.
Dimension: 12 cm
Suitable for a parchment of more than 10 cm
Made in Israel
*The mezuzah box does not contain a parchment. It must be purchased separately.
Perform the mitzvah of the mezuzah with this original model. A mezuzah box made of stone-like polyurethane to match any interior with elegance. Ideal for placing on a doorway, a living room or a bedroom. An original creation that bears the inscriptions in Hebrew “ברוך אתה בבואך” (Be blessed as you arrive) and “ברוך אתה בצאתך” (Be blessed as you leave).
Height: 15 cm
Material: Polyurethane
Suitable for a parchment of more than 10 cm
Made in Israel
*Scroll is not included in the box and must be purchased separately.
The Jewish religion requires that every entrance door and room be protected by a mezuzah. A Jewish tradition followed by Jews around the world who can choose from a multitude of boxes. For the mitzvah to be complete, the inserted parchment must be perfectly hidden, written by a sofer stam (Jewish scribe) who knows the halakha perfectly. This Ashkenazi klaf meets all the criteria of Jewish law, written by a sofer in Israel, authorized by the rabbinical authorities.
A parchment made in Israel, to be inserted in the box of your mezuzah and to be installed on the doors of your house.
The Jewish religion requires that every door and room be protected by a mezuzah. A mitzvah followed by Jews around the world who can choose from a multitude of boxes. In order for the mitzvah to be completely kosher, the inserted parchment must be written by a sofer stam (Jewish scribe) who has a perfect command of halacha. This Ashkenazi or Sephardic klaf meets all the criteria of Jewish law, written by a sofer in Israel, authorized by the rabbinical authorities.
A parchment made in Israel, to be inserted in the box of your mezuzah and to be installed on the doors of your house.
According to Jewish tradition, it is important that every entrance and door of a house contain a mezuzah. It is done with this perfectly hidden parchment. A real klaf written by a sofer (Jewish scribe) who took care to meet all halachic requirements (in accordance with Jewish laws). A scrupulously checked parchment twice, including once by computer to ensure kosherness and to assure you of a product that perfectly complies with the halacha.
A scroll written in Israel, to be inserted in the box of your mezuzah.
According to halacha (Jewish law), it is important that every entrance and doorway of a house has a mezuzah. While mezuzah boxes can be of any style, it is important that the parchment be perfectly hidden. To do this, opt for this klaf written by a sofer (Jewish scribe) who has taken care to meet all halachic requirements (in accordance with Jewish laws). The scroll is checked twice, once with the help of a computer.
A parchment made in Israel, to be inserted in the box of your mezuzah.
Need an original gift? Here is a Judaica accessory that will certainly please car owners. This mezuzah box can be fixed in any place of the vehicle: door, dashboard. The important thing is to see it to remember the commandments of Judaism and travel in peace.
Hang a real work of art on your door! An original creation of the Israeli artist Yair Emanuel, with chiselled images of the Old City of Jerusalem. A copper case delicately engraved with representations of the most symbolic places of the city: the Kotel, the walls, the Tower of David, the synagogues… An original case that will fit in any room of your house while giving it an incomparable style.
Height: 12 cm
Made in Israel
*The mezuzah box does not contain a parchment. It must be purchased separately.
Install this box on any surface of your vehicle to provide protection and mazal. A Judaica accessory inspired by the Jewish tradition of placing every Jewish home under the protection of the mezuzah. Looking at it, you can recite the travelers’ blessing ‘Tefilat Haderekh” (תפילת הדרך)to protect you from any harm during your travels and journeys. This model of mezuzah car contains a reproduction of the Old City of Jerusalem: the Kotel, the walls, the Tower of David, the synagogues … A memorable souvenir of Israel. This mezuzah box can be fixed in any place of the vehicle: door, dashboard.
This mezuzah does not contain parchment and therefore cannot be installed in a house
32.90€Le prix initial était : 32.90€.28.90€Le prix actuel est : 28.90€.
Be original when placing mezuzahs in your home! Choose this model in the shape of a parchment which also represents the Old City of Jerusalem. A case entirely engraved with representations of the most symbolic places of the city: the Kotel, the walls, the Tower of David, the synagogues… A luxurious and twisted case that will fit all the rooms of your house while giving them an incomparable style. A mezuzah with golden and copper reflections for an incomparable rendering.
Because mezuzot are not reserved for homes and interiors, discover this vehicle box. A mezuzah inspired by Jewish tradition that will accompany you on all your travels. By looking at it, you will be able to recite the blessing of the travelers ‘Tefilat Haderekh’ (תפילת הדרך) to protect you from any evil and counter the evil eye. This model of mezuzah car contains the first Hebrew letter of one of the names of the Lord: Shin as well as an excerpt from the book of psalms.
This mezuzah does not contain parchment and therefore cannot be installed in a house
King David is an emblematic and eternal figure in Jewish history. A biblical character who has deeply marked the history of Jerusalem. Find him on this mezuzah King David made by the Israeli artist Yair Emanuel.
An ideal wedding gift, sheva brakhot, engagement.
Height: 12cm
Material: wood
Made in Israel
*The parchment is not included in the box and must be purchased separately
Keep a souvenir of Jerusalem with this Mezuzah box by Israeli artist Yair Emanuel. A colorful creation that honors Jerusalem: the Kotel (Wailing Wall), the walls and the City of David. A painted model that will fit all your rooms.
Dimension: 12.7 cm
Suitable for a parchment of more than 10 cm
Made in Israel
*The mezuzah box does not contain a parchment. It must be purchased separately.
When Israeli art and modernity meet Jewish tradition. Opt for this mezuzah box with a refined design. A work on the hammered metal for a result as aesthetic as original. Created by the Israeli artist Yair Emanuel.
Made in Israel
Height : 12cm
Suitable for a 10 cm roll
*The mezuzah box does not contain a parchment. It must be purchased separately.
To feel always close to the Old City of Jerusalem, choose this mezuzah box inspired by the eternal capital of Israel: Jerusalem. An original creation of the Israeli artist Yair Emanuel, which focuses on clean and sober lines. A case engraved with representations of the most symbolic places of the city: the Kotel, the walls, the Tower of David, the synagogues … An original case that will fit all the rooms of your house while giving them an incomparable style.
Height: 12 cm
Made in Israel
*The mezuzah box does not contain a parchment. It must be purchased separately.
Because the Shema Israel is undoubtedly one of the most important prayers in Judaism, hang it on the doors of your home. This metal mezuzah includes the beginning of the verse of the Shema, it was made by the Israeli artist Yair Emanuel.
A true work of art that mixes aestheticism and spirituality.
Perform the mitzvah of the mezuzah with a true work of art. A mezuzah cylinder decorated with silver lines to match any interior with elegance. Ideal to place on a front door, a living room or a bedroom. An original creation of the Israeli artist Yair Emanuel.
Height: 12 cm
Suitable for a parchment of more than 10 cm
Made in Israel
*The scroll is not included in the box and must be purchased separately.
To feel always close to the Old City of Jerusalem, choose this mezuzah box inspired by the eternal capital of Israel. An original creation that combines silver and delicate chiseling. A box engraved with representations of the most symbolic places of the city: the Kotel, the walls, the Tower of David, the synagogues … A case with an original shape that will fit any room in your house while giving it an incomparable style.
Water resistant case, can also be fixed on the outside door.
Materials: polyresin
Dimension: 15 cm
*The mezuzah box does not contain a parchment. It must be purchased separately.
Keep a souvenir of Jerusalem with this Mezuzah box made by Israeli artist Yair Emanuel. A creation in bluish tones that honors Jerusalem: the Kotel (Wailing Wall), the walls and the City of David. A painted model that will fit all your rooms.
Height: 12 cm
Suitable for a parchment of more than 10 cm
Made in Israel
*The mezuzah box does not contain a parchment. It must be purchased separately.